3 Ways To Create A PayPal Donate Button For Your Website

Are you looking to add a PayPal donate button on your website?

PayPal makes it super-easy to accept donations on your website. It is convenient, cost-effective, secure, and already used by millions of users around the world.

In this article, we will show you how to easily add a PayPal donate button on your WordPress site. We also have included 3 tutorial videos for you and as always, If you cannot, or do not want to do it yourself. We are always here to do it for you and we only charge $25 for this service. Just contact us directly if you have our contact info, or send us a quick request here

  1. Log into your PayPal Business account.
  2. Click Tools at the top of the page, and then click PayPal buttons.
  3. Select the Donate button.
  4. Enter the item name and price. You can also customize the button with additional features. Click Create Button.
  5. Click Select Code to select the button code.
  6. Copy and paste the button code into your own web page code where you want the button to appear. Repeat the above process for every page where you want to add a button.
  7. This new button will appear on the “My Saved Buttons” page if you’d like to edit it at any point.


You can post this button anywhere on your site, whether it be the sidebar, footer, homepage, or on your blog. It reveals a button that website visitors can click on to make donations through the PayPal system. The user get’s sent away from your website for a brief period. Once on the PayPal page, the user has the option to make the donation with a PayPal account or with a credit card.




[aiovg_video mp4=”https://websites4sale.tech/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Add-Paypal-To-Wordpress-Website_-Paypal-Donate-Button-Paypal-Pay-Now-Button.mp4″]

[aiovg_video mp4=”https://websites4sale.tech/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Create-a-PayPal-Donate-Button-in-2021-in-6-mins.mp4″]

[aiovg_video mp4=”https://websites4sale.tech/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/How-to-Add-a-PayPal-Donate-Button-in-WordPress.mp4″]

That’s it! You can now accept donations on your website.

You’re most likely going to customize the pages and posts to have more content and explain what the donations are for. However, these methods are the best options to create PayPal Donate buttons without any problems. You’ll also notice that the PayPal Donate buttons have several customization tools along the way. So, you might want to redirect users after they make contributions, or you may need to capture additional information from the people donating.

And that’s how to create a PayPal Donate button!



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