Don’t let your investment go to waste! You have put hours and valuable money into your website(s) to grow your business, income and online business portfolio. There are hundreds of ways that your website could be deleted, or hacked and unusable.
BE PREPARED… Insure your website, so that if the worst case scenario does happen, you are left hanging out to dry and with nothing! You as a website owner, are not expected to know the dangers that could wipe out your website, when, why, or how to backup, save files of your website or have the ability to replace it. If you did, well then you would perhaps be a designer, or developer yourself. Most website owners are not however and that is what the team here at BOOKER Technologies is here for. Protecting your interest, is protecting our own and us all being a gaggle of tech savvy geeks is where we excel!
For just 1 annual payment of $47 (less than 4 bucks a month) you can insure your website, for total peace of mind!
We’ve all heard the news reports on TV… Target, Walmart… this store, this business… on and on! Even the mightiest website can be hacked and destroyed. All the customers of that website, whom have ever joined up, made a purchase or sometimes, just visited your website. Now, all their credit card, billing and other information has been stolen by malicious hackers!
Having insurance does not correct, or even resolve that issue, however it will allow you to have your website restored and in a clean content management system that is free of malware, worms and other deviant issues, so that you may get back in business asap!
Regret is definitely an enemy of prosperity, solace and growth. Insure your website(s) today, for a safe and secure tomorrow!