


Dating profiles with photos of Christian man and women located in the USA
Profiles size: 77.938 MB
Photos size: 220 GB
Profiles format: CSV, SQLProfiles fields: id, username, password, real_name, email, gender, seek_gender, sexual_orientation, birthdate, age_from, age_to, headline, description, country_iso, country, zip, state_iso, state, city, looking_for, marital_status, race, religion, language, photos

Total profiles: 320 314
Profiles of men: 179 199
Profiles of women: 141 115
Total photos: 2 676 488
Photos of men: 1 407 807
Photos of women: 1 268 681
Top 30 statesTexas – 30841
California – 27215
Florida – 25530
New York – 25152
Georgia – 19038
North Carolina – 16736
Illinois – 12226
Ohio – 10417
Virginia – 10316
Maryland – 8990
Pennsylvania – 8573
Missouri – 8537
Tennessee – 8010
Alabama – 7781
Michigan – 7688
South Carolina – 6439
New Jersey – 6221
Louisiana – 6026
Indiana – 5809
Washington – 5473
Mississippi – 5346
Oklahoma – 4927
Kentucky – 4418
Arizona – 4374
Arkansas – 3708
Colorado – 3463
Minnesota – 3270
Wisconsin – 3184
Nevada – 2943
Massachusetts – 2906
Top 30 citiesHouston – 6771
New York – 6411
Chicago – 6323
Brooklyn – 6259
Los Angeles – 4699
Atlanta – 4022
Dallas – 3335
Bronx – 3324
Philadelphia – 3147
Washington – 3066
Jacksonville – 3007
MIAMI – 2984
Baltimore – 2826
Columbus – 2680
Orlando – 2529
Charlotte – 2414
Cleveland – 2372
Detroit – 2219
Las Vegas – 2156
Memphis – 2155
San Antonio – 1994
Tampa – 1842
Saint Louis – 1834
Phoenix – 1711
Indianapolis – 1706
Fort Lauderdale – 1685
Austin – 1677
Fayetteville – 1667
Columbia – 1609
San Diego – 1605


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