


Dating profiles with photos of men and women located around the world
Profiles size: 7.270 MB
Profiles format: CSV, SQL
Photos size: 0.987 GBProfiles fields: Id, Name, Email, Birthday, Gender, Country, City, Seek, Ages, Seek Where, Primary Interest, Secondary Interests, Relationship Status, Height, Weight, Sexuality, Ethnicity, Description, Want To Meet, Total Photos

Total profiles: 22 410
Profiles of men: 4 452
Profiles of women: 17 958
Total photos: 67 230
Photos of men: 13 356
Photos of women: 53 874
Top countriesUnited States – 5842
United Kingdom – 3084
Canada – 2375
South Africa – 1602
Philippines – 1502
Australia – 1255
Sweden – 598
Germany – 412
Netherlands – 371
Norway – 329
Mexico – 320
Denmark – 320
Greece – 309
Belgium – 303
Ireland – 292
France – 279
Poland – 279
Spain – 277
New Zealand – 250
Puerto Rico – 249
Colombia – 233
Italy – 225
Thailand – 206
United Arab Emirates – 197
Switzerland – 196
Brazil – 179
Czech Republic – 171
Israel – 168
China – 160
Finland – 106
Top CitiesLondon – 941
Toronto – 485
Johannesburg – 461
Los Angeles – 460
New York – 435
Manila – 415
Cape Town – 284
Sydney – 284
Melbourne – 252
Montreal – 236
Pretoria – 219
Vancouver – 196
San Diego – 176
Stockholm – 173
Brisbane – 170
Calgary – 169
Edmonton – 161
Dubai – 150
Dublin – 136
Chicago – 127
Durban – 124
Cebu – 122
Las Vegas – 121
Paris – 117
Manchester – 111
Dallas – 110
Bangkok – 109
San Francisco – 97
Perth – 96


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